利用ICE工具來建立一個Answer File來製作OOBE全自動化的設定.
l Virtual PC 2007
l Image Configuration Editor(ICE)
一、利用ICE工具來設定Windows Embedded Standard 7 映像檔
1.按下【開始】->【所有程式】->【Windows mbedded Standard 7】->【Image
Configuration Editor】 PS:如果出現提示訊息,請選擇”是”繼續執行程式.
Configuration Editor】 PS:如果出現提示訊息,請選擇”是”繼續執行程式.
2.在ICE工具之中選擇File->New Answer File ,建立一個新的專案檔.
3.選擇File->Import-> Import PMQ. 請選擇路徑至C:\WES7_TTT\PMQ\Devices.pmq
4.匯入後請察看Message 視窗內的訊息,將會列出目前平台所需元件內容.
5.請在Distribution Share 視窗中加入下列Package加入至Answer File視窗.
Pack->Browsers->Internet Explorer 8->Internet Explorer 8 Browser
Pack->Browsers->Internet Explorer 8->Internet Explorer 8 Browser
b.Packages->Feature Pack->User
Interface->Windows Shell->Windows Explorer Shell
Interface->Windows Shell->Windows Explorer Shell
c. Packages->Feature Pack->Font->Traditional chinese Fonts
d. Packages-> Feature Pack->Font->Traditional
Chinese Supplemental Fonts
Chinese Supplemental Fonts
6.在表單上選擇Validate-> Add Required Packages
7.在Message 視窗中的Validate 頁籤中會顯示出所有相依性元件.
a.開啟”Dependencies of the source package are not satisfied”加入其他相依元件.
l Windows Boot Environment
l Windows Embedded Standard Startup Screens
l Standard Windows USB Stack
l English(US)Language Pack
8. 選擇Validate-> Add Required Packages
9. 在Answer File 視窗,展開Production->Operating
System->Foundation Core-> Windows Embedded Edition,選擇Core-Setting_x86元件,修改右邊的Setting的Filter View by項目為”7 OOBE System”修改後將HideEvaluationWarning的值改為”1”.
System->Foundation Core-> Windows Embedded Edition,選擇Core-Setting_x86元件,修改右邊的Setting的Filter View by項目為”7 OOBE System”修改後將HideEvaluationWarning的值改為”1”.
10. 在Answer File 視窗,展開Production->Operating
System->Foundation Core-> Windows Embedded Edition,選擇Setup_X86元件,設定右邊的Setting的Filter View by項目為”1 Windows PE”, 並將下列元件屬性改為:
System->Foundation Core-> Windows Embedded Edition,選擇Setup_X86元件,設定右邊的Setting的Filter View by項目為”1 Windows PE”, 並將下列元件屬性改為:
a.UserData -> AcceptEula = True
b.UseConfigurationSet = True
c.DiskConfiguration -> WillShowUI = Never
d.在DiskConfiguration 上右鍵選擇 Insert New Disk.
①展開Disk 項目設定
l DiskID = 0
l WillWipeDisk = true
②按右鍵CreatePartitions 選擇Insert New Partition ,展開Create Partition項目後設定:
l Order=1
l Type=Primary
l Extend = true
e.在ModifyPartitions項目右鍵,選擇Insert New
l Order = 1
l PartitionID = 1
l Label = OS
l Letter = C
l Format = NTFS
l Active = true
l OSImage ->WillShowUI = never
l OSImage ->InstallToAvailablePartition = true
11. 在Answer File 視窗,展開Production->Operating
System->Foundation Core-> Windows Embedded Edition,選擇Shell-Setup_x86元件,設定右邊的Setting的Filter View by項目為”4 Specialize”, 並將下列元件屬性改為:
System->Foundation Core-> Windows Embedded Edition,選擇Shell-Setup_x86元件,設定右邊的Setting的Filter View by項目為”4 Specialize”, 並將下列元件屬性改為:
l CompuaterName-> ChanderPC (ps:不可有空白)
l ProductKey-> 34VFJ-QQ7G4-47K84-74BHY-WQGQ2 ps:For 180 test key
接下來將Filter view by項目改為”7 OOBE System”,展開OOBE項目作下列設定:
a.OOBE->NetworkLocation =Work
b.OOBE->ProtectYourPC =3
c.OOBE->HideEULAPage = true
d.TimeZone=”Pacific Standard Time”
e.展開UserAccounts,在LocalAccounts上按右鍵選擇Insert New LocalAccount作下列設定:
l Name = MyUser
l DisplayNmae = MyUser
l Description = Demo account
l Password->Value= password
l Group = Users
l AdministratorPassword->value = password
12. 將Filter view by項目改為”4 Specialize”後作下列設定:
l Autologon->Username = Administrator
l Autologon->Enable = true
l Autologon->Password->Value = password
13. 在Answer File 視窗,展開Production->Operating
System->Foundation Core-> Windows Embedded Edition,選擇International-Core_x86元件,設定右邊的Setting的Filter View by項目為”4 Specialize”, 並將下列元件屬性改為:
System->Foundation Core-> Windows Embedded Edition,選擇International-Core_x86元件,設定右邊的Setting的Filter View by項目為”4 Specialize”, 並將下列元件屬性改為:
l InputLocale = en-US
l SystemLocal = en-US
l UILanguage = en-US
l UserLocal = en-US
14.選擇File->Save Answer File As 將路徑選擇c:\WES7_TTT\LAB1並將檔名改為LAB1.xml
15.在ICE工具上選擇Tool->Create Media -> Create
IBW Image from Answer File… 將映像檔路徑設定為C:\WES7_TTT\LAB1\LAB1_Image(請建立一個LAB1_Image目錄).
IBW Image from Answer File… 將映像檔路徑設定為C:\WES7_TTT\LAB1\LAB1_Image(請建立一個LAB1_Image目錄).
1. 按下【開始】->【所有程式】->【Windows Embedded Standard 7】->【Windows PE Tools Command Prompt】
2. 在DOS視窗中輸入下列指令:
oscdimg –n –h –m –b..\PETools\x86\boot\etfsboot.com c:\WES7_TTT\LAB1\LAB1_Image
c:\WES7_TTT\LAB1\LAB1_Image.iso 按下Enter執行命令
oscdimg –n –h –m –b..\PETools\x86\boot\etfsboot.com c:\WES7_TTT\LAB1\LAB1_Image
c:\WES7_TTT\LAB1\LAB1_Image.iso 按下Enter執行命令
3. 當Oscdimg工具完成ISO製作時請關閉DOS視窗.
三、在Virtual PC 2007 安裝製作好WES7 ISO檔
1. 按下【開始】->【所有程式】->【Windows Virtual PC】-> 執行Windows Virtual PC
2. 請先建立一個新的虛擬機器
3. 設定虛擬機器參數
a. 將游標指向剛建立的LAB1 虛擬機器上,並按下”設定”.
b. 在Windows Virtual PC視窗中選擇DVD光碟機,選擇”開啟ISO映像”並將之前製作整的路徑設定好.(C:\WES7_TTT\LAB1\LAB_Image.iso).
d. 安裝程式將會套用先前設定的OOBE參數直到作業系統安裝完畢.