產品在量產時 我們最後一個步驟就是將OS封裝起來,來確保每一台都有唯一的SID,但在新一次開機時隨之而來的是一大堆的設定在對於一些客戶來說,這無非是這種困擾,所以我們今天我們利用執行sysprep時將answer file 一併帶入系統中,在第一次啟用時自動套用這些參數.
工具:Windows system Image manager(WSIM) 微軟的系統映像制作工具, 這工具我不多說 自行爬文吧!
1.開啟 SWIM 工具,先選擇Windows 7的版本
2.放入Windows 7 安裝光碟, 找到路徑 x:\source\ 可找*.clg or wim 檔.
3.在選擇好Windows 7版本後,我們可進行Answer file製作,先在File-> New Answer File
4.在左下角視窗中選擇Component-> Microsoft-Windows-International-Core 按滑鼠右鍵選 "Add setting to pass 7 oobesystem"
- InputLocale => en-US
- SystemLocale => en-US
- UILanguage => en-US
- UserLocale => en-US
5.接著加入 Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup 按滑鼠右鍵選 "Add setting to pass 7 oobesystem"
●設定OOBE 參數
HideEULAPage => true
NetworkLocation => Work
ProtectYourPC => 1 (註1)
1: Specifies the recommended level of protection for your computer.
2: Specifies that only important updates are installed.
3: Specifies that automatic protection is disabled. Updates are available manually through Windows Update.
●加入新帳號在UserAccount ->LocalAccount->右鍵選擇Insert New LocalAccount後,設定下列參數
Name => TEST
Password => TEST
6.接著加入 Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup 按滑鼠右鍵選 "Add setting to pass 4 specialize"
ComputerName => * (*代表系統已開機時隨機產生一組電腦名稱)
TimeZone => Taipei Standard Time
Username => Administrator
Password => (你的密碼)
7.儲存answer file , Sysprep.xml.
8.下次在封裝時,請使用下列命令,Answer file就會被套用了.
sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:C:\sysprep.xml